14 Best Featured Image Plugins and Tutorials for WordPress

Featured images play an important role in most WordPress themes. There are plenty of things you are able to do with featured images. In this video, we will show you 14 of the best featured image plugins and tutorials.

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Summary of this Tutorial:

#1 Soliloquy. it comes with a featured content add on and allows you to easily add featured content slider on any WordPress theme.

It will automatically get the featured image from your article and use is as a slide with your post title and excerpt.

#2 is quick featured images which is a plugin that lets you do build editing on your featured images.

You can also set a default image to be use as featured or use the first image in the post as the featured image.

#3 is multiple post thumbnails which allows you to add multiple featured images to your WordPress posts.

#4 is require featured image. this is great if you have a theme that really showcases featured image and you have multiple authors working on posts.

This plugins stops anyone from publishing a post without a featured image.

#5 is featured image column which will show you on the media area if a featured image is attached to that post or not.

This makes it easy to quickly add featured images to previous posts

#6 is default featured image which will set a default featured image if none is set for your posts.

#7 is easy add thumbnail which will setup the first image in a post as the featured image.

This is great for older posts with no featured image set as it will automatically set it for you as long as there is an image in the post.

#8 is video thumbnails is great if you have a site full of videos. this plugin will look to see if a post has a YouTube, Vimeo or DailyMotion video and automatically sets the video thumbnail as the featured image.

#9 is featured video plus which will set your video as a featured video instead of a featured image.

#10 is post thumbnail editor and it allows you to edit images inside WordPress. Then you can use the cropped image as the featured image.

#11 is default fallback featured image in WordPress.

This is a way to add code to your site instead of using a plugin. just add this code to your site and it will show this as the default image.

#12 fallback featured image by category this will let you set a default featured image based on category which might work better than a default basic image for the whole site.

Just add this code and make sure you add the category images to this folder with this file name structure.

#13 is the post thumbnails in WordPress rss feeds will add thumbnails to your rss feeds. just add the code to your functions page.

#14 is regenerate thumbnails. this plugin works great if you update your theme, you old image dimensions might be skewed. using this plugin generates new image sizes in WordPress to make your images match the theme.

Related Links:

Links to all of these can be found at:



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