How to Create a Mobile Ready Responsive WordPress Menu

Do you want a mobile friendly menu for your WordPress site? Mobile users are getting more popular as time goes on and a mobile responsive menu makes it easier to navigate your site. In this video, we will show you how to easily create a mobile-ready responsive menu.

Text version of this tutorial:

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Summary of this tutorial:

The first method would be to install and activate the Responsive Menu plugin:

Responsive Menu – Create Mobile-Friendly Menu

Once activated the plugin will add a new menu item labeled Responsive menu to your WordPress admin bar that you should click.

Select the screen width when the menu should appear on your site, 800 the default is good for most sites.

After that select the menu you want to show, you can create a menu under Appearance, Menus.

A second method would be to install and activate the Responsive Select Menu plugin:

Responsive Select Menu

Once activated you need to visit Appearance, Responsive Select to configure the plugin settings.

Scroll down to 'Activate theme locations' to modify where the menu is active.

If neither of those options are what you are wanting we have a method to do this through coding on our written article.


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